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  • 《中国音乐大全·古筝卷》8CD

群星 - 《中国音乐大全·古筝卷》8CD.Flac










专辑名称:中国音乐大全·古筝卷 8CD


编号:CCD-2792 项斯华独奏

01. 渔舟唱晚 The Fishing-Boat Man Singing at Dusk
02. 高山流水 The Lofty Mountains and Running River
03. 广陵散 A Song of Guangling
04. 海青拿鹤 The Vulture Snatched a Crane
05. 月儿高 The Moon Is High in the Sky
06. 寒鸦戏水 The Jackdaw Playing with Water
07. 秋思曲 Meditation in Autumn
08. 出水莲 The Lotus is in Blossom above the Water
09. 西厢词 A Love Song of West Wing-House
10. 将军令 An Army Order lssued from the General
11. 思想起 Meditation


编号:CCD-2793 范上娥 / 王昌元独奏

01. 闺怨 The Grievance of a Lady on Her Husband’s Long Absence
02. 黄鹂词 A Song of Golden Oriole
03. 秋思 Meditation in Autume
04. 一点红 A dot of Red
05. 蝶恋花 Butterflies Are Reluctant to Part with Flowers
06. 海青拿鹤 The Vulture Snatched a Crane
07. 高山流水 The Lofty Mountains and Running River
08. 广陵散 A Song of Guangling
09. 渔舟唱晚 The Fishing-Boat Man Singing at Dusk
10. 战台风 To Struggle with Typhoon


编号:CCD-2794 曹永安 / 李汴独奏

01. 打雁 The Wild Goose Hunting
02. 苏武思乡 The Nostalgia of Su Wu
03. 陈杏元落院 Chen Xingyuan Happened to Fall in a Garden
04. 寒鹊争梅 Magpies Playing at a Plum Tree
05. 慢吟 A Slow Recital
06. 闺中怨 The Grievance of a Lady on Her Husband's Long Absence
07. 唧唧咕 Jijigu
08. 葡萄架 The Grape Vine Trellis
09. 高山流水 The Lofty Mountains and Running River
10. 陈杏元和番 Chen Xingyuan is Married to a King of Tujue
11. 上楼 Walk Up the Stairs
12. 下楼 Come Down the Stairs
13. 叹颜回 A Dirge for Yan Hui
14. 小飞舞 Flying a Little While
15. 闹元宵 Celebrating the Lantern Festival


编号:CCD-2795 苏巧筝独奏

01. 寒鸦戏水 The Jackdaw Playing with Water
02. 粉蝶采花 The Pinky Butterflies Collected Honey on the Flowers
03. 月儿高 The Moon is High in the Sky
04. 平沙落雁 The Wild Geese Descending on the Sandy Beach
05. 小梁州 Small Liangzhou
06. 出水莲 The Lotus is in Blossom above the Water
07. 西江月 The Moon Shining over the West River
08. 柳青娘 The Maid Liu Qingniang
09. 思凡 The Nun Has a Longing for Love
10. 柳摇金 A Willow Tree Swings Its Golden Twigs
11. 登楼 Walk Up the Stairs


编号:CCD-2796 广东汉乐筝曲
饶宁新独奏 和乐:罗德载、罗琏

01. 昭君怨 The Grievance of Zhaojun
02. 迎宾客 A Song of Receiving Guests
03. 西厢词 A Love Song of Wing-West House
04. 平湖 A Calm Lake
05. 杜宇魂 The Soul of a Cuckoo
06. 玉连环 Linked Up the Jade Rings
07. 单点头·乱插花 One Nod Only, To Insert Flowers Carelessly
08. 出水莲 The Lotus is in Blossom above the Water
09. 百家春 The Myriad Families in Spring
10. 翡翠登潭 A Halcyon Skimmed over the Deep Pool
11. 崖山哀 A Lamentation on the Cliffy Mountain
12. 一点金 A Dot of Gold
13. 北进宫 North Style of Entering the Palace
14. 南进宫 South Style of Entering the Palace


编号:CCD-2797 赵玉斋 / 曹正独奏

01. 庆丰年 A Celebration of Bumper Year
02. 四段锦 Four Bolts of Brocade
03. 梅花落 The Plum Flowers Are Falling
04. 四平调 Siping Tune
05. 莺啭黄鹂 The Golden Oriole is Singing
06. 昭君怨 The Grievance of Zhaojun
07. 高山流水 The Lofty Mountains and Running River
08. 渔舟唱晚 The Fishing-Boat Man Singing at Dusk
09. 凤翔歌 A Song of Hovering Phoenix
10. 夜静銮铃 The Horse-Bells are Ringing in the Quiet Night
11. 鸿雁捎书 To Mail a Letter by The Wild Goose
12. 汉宫秋月 An Autumn Moon Shedding Light on the Palace of Han Dynasty
13. 四段曲 A Song in Four Sections



01. 汩罗江幻想曲 Fantasy of Miluo River
02. 南海渔歌 A Fisherman’s Song on South Sea
03. 幸福渠 The Luck Canal
04. 采莲曲 A Song of Gathering Lotus Seeds



01. 汉宫秋月(古曲) An Autumn Moon Shedding Light on the Palace of Han Dynasty
02. 寒鸦戏水(老版) The Jackdaw Playing with Water
03. 贺新春(老版) Celebrating the Begining of a New Spring
04. 陈杏元和番(五十年代录音) Chen Xingyuan Is Married to a King of Tujue
05. 闹元宵(五十年代录音) Celebrating the Lantern Festival
06. 崖山哀(老版) A Lamentation on the Cliffy Mountain
07. 翡翠登潭(老版) A Halcyon Skimmed Over the Deep Pool
08. 新开板(五十年代录音) New Prelude
09. 蕉窗夜雨(五十年代录音) Night Rains Struck the Banana Leaves Outside Window








